Thursday, August 7, 2008

Marusia visits Berlin. Cultural flows surrounding the Russendisko

Just a short mention that my article "Marusia visits Berlin. Cultural flows surrounding the Russendisko" was published in the Danish academic journal "Musik & Forskning" (the article is in English). There I discuss the Russendisko in Berlin focusing on the music played and the target group.


Arthud2 said...

Hi! My name is Arturo I live in Peru and I've heard the "Marusia" song and for me was very interesting and imponent music. I'm Actually doing a paperwork and exposition about the post war times, and I would like to get the "marusia" song by the red army russian choir for to put in my power point presentation.
¿Do you know some website or something like that, where can I get the lyrics of Marusia in english or te meaning of the lyrics? If u know, let me know please, ok?

Thank you!


dew said...

Hi Arturo, thanx for your comment. I have not been able to find an English translation of the lyrics on the web. Here's my transcription and translation of svoboda's version which is a mixture of ukrainian and some russian words (not very good though...):

Розпрягайте, хлопці, коней - Unharness, boys, your horses
Та лягайте спочивать, - And lie down to rest
А я піду в сад зелений, - And I will go to the green garden
В сад криниченьку копать. - In the garden to dig a spring/well

Маруся, - Marusia
Раз, два, три, калина - One, two, three, guelder-rose
Чорнявая дівчина - The black-haired maid
В саду ягоди рвала. - is picking berries in the garden

Копав, копав криниченьку - I dug a spring/well
У вішневому садкy - By/in the cherry orchard
Вийде вийде дівчинонька - Go off, go off maid
Рано-вранці по воду. - Early in the morning to the water

Раз, два, три, калина
Чорнявая дівчина
В саду ягоди рвала.

3наю, знаю, дівчинонько, - I know, I know, maid,
Чим я тебе огорчив - with what did I offend you?
Що я вчора ізвечора - How I yesterday from the evening
Кращщу тебе полюбив. - Feel in love with somebody more beautiful than you

Раз, два, три, калина
Чорнявая дівчина
В саду ягоди рвала.

Вона ростом невеличка, - Her growth small
Ще й літами молода, - Still and summers young
Руса коса до пояса, - Blond braid to the waist
В косі стрічка золота - In the braid a golden ribbon

Раз, два, три, калина
Чорнявая дівчина
В саду ягоди рвала.

hope it helps!


Brian Martin said...

Hey Dew! or Arturo, Do you guys have that song on MP3 format!, it's imposible to get that song from this part of the world.... I don't know, i've been looking for that song everywhere, my e-mail is : thanx and then we'll make an music exchange! gretings from Colombia

dew said...

you can hear the beginning of svoboda's marusia on the russendisko myspace page ( and you can, amongst others, buy the track on itunes and amazon (see the russendisko myspace page for links to the sites). for other versions a youtube search for marusia (including different transliteration forms) should provide you with a couple of "traditional" versions.

xxx said...

this is a video for Marusya